
(You can also request a written copy from your child’s teacher.)

Lighthouse Christian Academy is a ministry of Lighthouse on the Rock Church. As a ministry of the church, the school is a part of our mission to “…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Purpose and Philosophy:

We see a need for a Christian school in the Upper Keys that will provide healthy academic, spiritual, emotional, and social growth. We are committed to see children reach their God given potential.

Psalm 139

14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!

Your workmanship is marvelous--and how well I know it.

15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,

as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.

16 You saw me before I was born.

Every day of my life was recorded in your book.

Every moment was laid out

before a single day had passed.

17 How precious are your thoughts about me, O God!

They are innumerable!

18 I can't even count them;

they outnumber the grains of sand!

And when I wake up in the morning,

you are still with me!


We are using the Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) system.

From its beginning, Accelerated Christian Education® has maintained high Biblical and academic standards and remained committed to setting children on a path for success. The goal is the same today: to prepare children for the world today and give them the academic and spiritual tools necessary to achieve their God-given potential.

Accelerated Christian Education's concepts are based on the following Five Basic Laws of Learning:

  1. A child must be at a level where he can perform.

  2. He must have reasonable goals.

  3. His learning must be controlled, and he must be motivated.

  4. His learning must be measurable.

  5. His learning must be rewarded.

Based on these principles, the A.C.E. curriculum assures parents of:

  • A solid, mastery-based, back-to-basics education for their child.

  • A course of study diagnostically individualized to meet a student's specific learning needs and capabilities.

  • A program incorporating Scripture, Godly character building, and wisdom principles.

  • A curriculum using advanced computer technology to help ensure the finest education possible in today's high-tech climate.


We believe in the God of the Bible and have embraced the salvation provided through His Son, Jesus Christ. We affirm the Word of God is infallible and is our only authoritative guide for faith and conduct. We believe God is at work today through the ministry of His Holy Spirit.

Four Values:

  1. Every person has the right to a presentation of the gospel at his level of understanding.

  2. Every person needs a Biblical moral compass to guide and protect them throughout life.

  3. Every believer has unique gifts to be developed and used to strengthen the church.

  4. Every believer has a purpose in advancing the global mission of His church.


The school exists as a ministry of the church; therefore, it is accountable to the lead pastor and pastor’s council of the church. Lighthouse on the Rock is a sovereign church within the Assemblies of God, meaning we are self-governing but accountable to regional, district and national AG leadership.

Admission Requirements:

Tuition Policy:

$500.00 book fee. (up to 60 PACE’s) Once a student has taken their online diagnostic test, the school will order their PACE’s. This fee must be paid before we place an order.

$8,000.00 annual tuition covers the academic school year. Payment may be made monthly or in full at the beginning of the school year.

Monthly: $500.00 due by the 5th of each calendar month beginning in August and ending in July.

Tuition is due regardless of absences, or extended absences due to any circumstance, unless an arrangement has been made in advance with the head of school. If a student withdraws for any reason their tuition is due through the end of the month listed as their withdrawal date.


We are on a very tight budget in order to make this as affordable as possible for every family. We are not able to offer discounts to families:

Late fees

If tuition payments fall behind, you will receive a notice to make payment current by the date indicated on that notice. If tuition payments are not made current by the assigned date, a 25.00 late fee will be added to the amount.


In the event of family hardship, every effort will be made to work with your family. We are here as a ministry to you and wish to be a blessing in your life.

NSF check fee: 25.00

All payments must be made in person by check or cash.

Arrival and Dismissal School Day is from 8:15AM to 3:15PM

  • School will begin at 8:15 a.m.

  • School activities will end at approximately 3:00 p.m. All students must be picked up by 3:15.


  • Students are expected to be at school every day and report to their classes on time (with certain exceptions outlined in Florida Statutes Chapter 232.09). Frequent absences and tardiness seriously effect academic progress and are disruptive to the teaching environment. The school requests that parents and students thoughtfully consider the effects of any absence. Families are discouraged from taking students out of school prior to a school break.

  • Perfect Attendance: In order to be counted present at school for each school day, a student must be present for at least 3 hours. It is strongly suggested that students are here in the morning due to academics. Please schedule any necessary appointments accordingly.

  • Students with excessive absences, excused or unexcused, may be denied re-enrollment or promotion. A student who is absent from any class for as many as twenty days per school year or ten days per semester, excused or unexcused, may be required to repeat the class or classes unless extenuating factors justify special consideration. The school shall make the determination based on individual circumstances.

  • If a student is in non-attendance during a school day, it shall be recorded as an absence, regardless of the reason. The parent is required to notify the school, in writing, of a student’s absence. This note should be taken to the homeroom teacher and include the following: 1) Student’s first and last name 2) Date of absence 3) Reason for absence 4) Parent’s signature and phone number.

  • Excessive absences shall result in the conference with an administrator, where required by state law, to pertinent state authorities. The administration reserves the right to review each student’s individual case with regard to extenuating circumstances, such as:

  1. Extended illness (3 or more continuous school days)

  2. Death in student’s immediate family that requires the student to miss an extended period of time (3 or more continuous school days)

  3. Absence required by a doctor (must have doctor’s documentation)

  4. Overnight hospital stay (must have documentation)

  5. A parental trip for which it is absolutely necessary for the student to miss the educational experience.

  • Parents are encouraged to telephone the school office and notify of a child’s absence. The school reserves the right to verify all absences that occur without personal notification by the parent.

  • Early dismissal from class: Parents must sign students out in person at the school office.

Health Service and First Aid

  • A student who is ill or running a fever of 100 should be kept at home. When a student is deemed ill by the school, parents will be contacted and MUST pick up their child. A sick child will not be allowed to remain on campus.

  • The school will not administer aspirin, Tylenol, or any other over the counter medications without written permission. Any medication your child may need must be provided by the parent/guardian in a labeled bottle and a medication form must be signed in order for our staff to assist with their medication.

  • A student who has head lice cannot come to class until the school is furnished with a written statement from his/her physician or from the County Health Department that the student has been treated and clear of lice.

Personal Property

Since school is a place where learning takes place in a safe and conducive environment, various items should not be brought to school. The list includes: sexually-oriented material, radios, headphones, tablets, phones, trading cards, games, toys, comics, weapons (real or toys), magazines, skateboards, skates, roller blades, flammable materials, drugs and paraphernalia, tobacco, alcoholic beverages, products bearing the warning label, “Keep Out of Reach of Children”, etc. Parents should be aware of what their child is bringing to school.

NOTE: All contraband will be confiscated, held by the school, and released to the parent at the parent’s request. The school cannot be responsible for the loss, theft, or damage of ANY materials brought to school by the student. Lockers/bookbags, or other personal items may be searched by school personnel. without prior warning. This list may be revised at any time at the discretion of the administration without prior warning.

While we realize that many students have cell phones and need these to communicate with parents while away at extra-curricular functions, use of cell phones is not permitted during the school day. Phones which are SEEN or HEARD are subject to confiscation by teachers or administration. Parents will be required to pick up confiscated cell phones in person rather than returning them to the student.

Damage to Property: Deliberate or accidental damage done to school property or student property must be paid for by the student/parent of student causing the damage.


  • Our children are precious to us. In order to protect our students, all visitors to our school, for any reason, must register with the school office and receive a visitor’s pass before proceeding anywhere on the campus. Teachers and staff are encouraged to question any person/visitor who is unknown to them.

  • Parents who would like to observe their child’s classroom must make an appointment at least 24 hours in advance with the teacher and obtain a visitor’s pass from the school office.

Fire Drills

  • The School will hold regularly scheduled fire drills.

Cumulative folders may not be released to parents according to State Statute.


Students must bring their own lunch, snacks and drinks each day. Please send ready to eat lunches. Minimize lunches that need to be heated up as this could take time away from student’s time to eat.

Field trips are taken throughout the year. Sometimes, we will need parents to help out by volunteering to chaperone and/or drive students. Those parents who drive need to be approved in the office before attending a field trip by having a completed background check, a copy of driver’s license and insurance card on file.

The school reserves the right to inspect and conduct a search of a student’s book bag, vehicle, and any other possessions or property on the school premise and on a school sanctioned activity. Inspections and searches may be conducted on a routine or random basis or as deemed necessary. This is for the protection of all students and staff members.


No holiday care is available through Lighthouse on the Rock Church or Lighthouse Christian Academy.


  • Students should show Courtesy - Proper respect and deference to those in authority should be shown by students at all times. Such conduct as talking back, sarcasm, complaining, gossiping, and rude body language to anyone is unacceptable behavior. Students will respond to all adults with “Yes Ma’am/Yes Sir” or “No Ma’am/No Sir”.

  • Classroom Behavior - Respect for classmates will be expected in both action and word. It is expected that all students follow classroom and school rules.

  • Physical contact - All students are expected to keep their hands to themselves at all times. We will observe a “six inch rule” on campus at all times.

  • There is to be no running inside the building at any time.

  • Students and parents, whether as participants or spectators, are required to show good sportsmanship and courtesy at all school-sponsored events on and off campus. Any person showing unpartisan-like conduct may be asked to leave the event and may not be allowed to attend future events.

  • Harassment: Students are expected to treat each other with dignity and respect. No form of harassment will be tolerated whether it is related to, but not limited to, race, nationality, language, physical appearance, gender, and physical and/or mental capacity. Harassment is defined as unwelcome, harmful behavior towards another person. Harassment can take the form of, but not limited to, verbal and/or written remarks, gestures, innuendoes, gossip, symbols, or physical contact. All concerns relating to harassment should be reported to the school.

  • Bullying: Bullying is defined as conduct which subjects a pupil to insults, taunts or challenges, whether verbal or physical in nature, which are likely to intimidate or provoke a violent or disorderly response from the students being treated in this manner. All concerns related to bullying should be reported to the office and staff.

    Note: Review our Statements of Faith and Doctrine located on the church website. We reserve the right to deny student enrollment or terminate enrollment based on contention or disruption as it relates to our expression of faith, conduct, and Biblical ethics.


  • Counsel - The student will be given counsel regarding minor offenses such as not completing assignments or breaking in line formation, etc.

  • Time-Out - Student is withdrawn from class activity for brief period.

  • Parent/Teacher Conference - To discuss what further actions need to take place.

  • Suspension - Suspension of a student from classes is a result of academic, attitude, and disciplinary problems. Parents will be contacted to pick up their child when a student is suspended and given information regarding the action taken. Students on suspension cannot attend or participate in any school function during time of suspension.

Five (5) days of suspension may result in automatic dismissal.

Expulsion - For severe and continuous discipline problems, a child may be dismissed from the school.


Students must be in dress code while on campus, regardless of the time. The administration reserves the right to ask a person to change their clothes or leave the campus including before or after school hours while on campus or at a school sponsored activity.


  • May wear:

    1. Solid colored tops. Modest sleeves and necklines on tops are required: No tank tops, low cut V-neck tops, spaghetti straps, open backs or see through tops.

    2. Solid skirts or dresses no higher than the knee when seated. Midriff or "cut-out" dresses and “cut out” tops may not be worn.

    3. PE shorts must be solid blue and no shorter than four inches (4") above the top of the knee when seated. Short are only permitted during PE or other specified events.

    4. Solid colored pants or solid colored Capri pants may be worn provided they are loose fitting.

    5. Blue jeans/denim skirts are not allowed.

  • Excessive make-up shall not be permitted.

  • Jewelry may be worn in moderation. Earrings are the only piercing allowed on campus.

  • Hair cannot be dyed any unnatural color or styled in unusual ways.

  • No hats or sunglasses are to be worn inside the building.


  • May wear

    1. Golf shirts, collared dress shirts. No tank tops, muscle shirts, basketball shirts, jerseys or t-shirts.

    2. Solid colored slacks or cargo pants. Pants must be worn at the waist.

    3. Solid colored belt. No designs, studs, spikes, etc.

    4. Solid colored PE shorts are only permitted during PE or other specified events.

    5. No denim blue jeans allowed.

  • Mustaches and beards shall be neatly trimmed.

  • Boys may not wear earrings, make-up, or dye their hair any unnatural colors. Hair should be well groomed and clean. Hair style appropriateness will be subject to administrative approval.

  • No hats or sunglasses are to be worn inside the building.

Shoes: All students may wear close toed shoes or tennis shoes. No sandals, flip flops or Crocs style shoes are allowed.

Automobiles (Students)

All cars, motorcycles, and mopeds must be registered with the Administrator on the first day of school or during the year when the student receives his driver's license. Drivers are to use vehicles for driving to and from school, no student will be permitted to leave the school grounds until school has been dismissed for the day, except upon parents’ written permission.

Students will have a designated area for parking. Any non-driver, other than family, who rides in a student vehicle, must have written permission on file in the office with notarized parent's signature. Students should not go to the automobile during the day without permission.

Driving is a privilege. This privilege may be revoked for any of the following reasons:

1. Driving an unregistered vehicle.

2. Driving recklessly.

3. Transporting unauthorized students.

5. Possession of contraband articles in the vehicle.

6. Being consistently late to class and/or school.

7. Breaking school policies and procedures.

"Reasonable school rules regarding student use of automobiles will be upheld (in a court of law), particularly where they are necessary to protect the safety of the students. For example, a female high school student who drove to school, parked her car one block from the school, and went home for lunch every day, challenged a school rule which required that students who drove automobiles to school must park them in the parking lot and could not move them until school was over for the day. The court rejected the student's challenge to the rule, and said that, in the interests of safety and the necessity of preventing hazardous traffic conditions from occurring, such a rule was reasonable." (McLean Independent School District vs. Andrews, 1960.)

Standards of Ethical Conduct for Staff and Administrators

A copy of our ethical conduct standards are available upon request. Below is reporting information and can also be found on our website: www.lighthousekeylargo.com

School Calendar: Our calendar closely mirrors the Monroe County School District calendar, however, there are several important differences. Please retain and refer to your copy of the LCA calendar.

In the event of a significant natural disaster we will be guided by the instructions given for public schools. Make sure to check the ministry Facebook Page and check your email for specific instructions regarding LCA.

Complete, sign and return this page only to the school administrator.

I have read and agree in full without reservation to the policies set forth by Lighthouse on the Rock Church regarding Lighthouse Christian School. I//we agree understand and accept, without dispute, the Biblical and moral standards of Lighthouse on the Rock and Lighthouse Christian Academy. I/We understand all reasonable safety precautions will be taken at all times by Lighthouse Christian Center (Lighthouse on the Rock) and its agents during the events and activities. I/We understand the possibility of unforeseen hazards and know the inherent possibility of risk. I/We agree not to hold Lighthouse Christian Center (Lighthouse on the Rock), its leaders, employees, and volunteer staff liable for damages, losses, diseases, or injuries incurred by the subject(s) of this form.

Student Name_________________ Grade___________

Student Name_________________ Grade___________

Student Name_________________ Grade___________

Student Name_________________ Grade___________

Student Name_________________ Grade___________

Parent/Caregiver Name Printed_______________________________

Parent/Caregiver Signature_______________________________

Parent/Caregiver Name Printed_______________________________________

Parent/Caregiver Signature_______________________________________